There’s nothing more annoying than trying to stream your favorite TV series and being met with a buffering icon, or uploading documents to cloud storage and being forced to wait for what seems like forever while it tries to sync. This is a problem Creek Enterprise tries to tackle every day. As end-user needs have grown, fiber optics has almost became a necessity for most. This is especially true considering that file sizes continue to grow, media is created in a higher definition than ever and we continue to become more impatient with technology. In 2017, users don’t expect to wait for anything online. Not long ago, users didn’t mind waiting long periods for content to load over a dial-up connection. These changes in technology and expectations has led to a significant growth in the fiber optic industry, and it will continue to become the standard going forward.

Fiber Optic For Everyone!

With internet service providers installing fiber optic wherever it makes commercial sense to do so, almost everyone should soon have the opportunity to move to this superior method of connecting to the internet. Fiber optics provide a far better service than broadband because the data travels along fibers of glass, which allows it to transmit messages far quicker than the traditional copper cables. Fiber optic internet, coupled with the incoming 5G network, that we’ll soon have access to with our wireless devices, should mean that buffering is a thing of the past. As the technology becomes cheaper, more people will have access and soon you’ll be able to Skype anyone in any location without having to worry about the video feed freezing!

Never Wait For Anything To Load Again

As more and more internet users and businesses move to fiber optic, servers will become quicker and load times will improve for everyone. When predicting technology trends, all you need to do is look to Google to see what they’re encouraging web developers to introduce, seeing as they hold a huge amount of influence in the industry. To rank well in Search in the coming years, Google has made it clear that speed will play a huge factor. When visiting web pages, if a user has to wait ages for a page to load, it ruins the experience. Therefore, Google is prioritizing the web pages that allow users to efficiently find information, so businesses will need to optimize their sites for speed. This means paying for servers connected with fiber optic and design their websites so that they’re super-fast. At the end of the day, this means a far more convenient service to the end user and will reduce load times dramatically.

Going Forward

Of course, as we start to store everything digitally we’ll eventually push fiber optics capability and need a better alternative. Especially when you consider how much bandwidth 4K video takes up and each household often has multiple devices all vying for bandwidth at any given time. Manufacturers are now adding internet capabilities to ordinary kitchen appliance to connect them to the ‘Internet of Things’, where we’ll be able to control them all remotely with our smart phones. Of course, this all takes up bandwidth too, which will have an impact on everything else we try to do on the internet. For now and the near future, fiber optics provides everything we need to provide us with convenient access to the internet. The good news is that until 5G and further technologies are introduced, it will certainly continue to make businesses more efficient and surfing the internet faster.